Can weather change cause sniffles?

Temperature or humidness changes will trigger the membranes within your nose to swell and cause a liquid or stuffy nose however even those folks UN agency do not suffer from allergies will develop a liquid nose once the temperature and humidness ar ever-changing quickly. Rhinitis—a swollen, fidgety nose—can occur within the thick of the quickly ever-changing weather that a lot of components of the U.S. ar experiencing on Rhinitis could be a reaction that happens within the eyes, nose, and throat once allergens within the air trigger amine to be free within the body. a number of the foremost common causes of redness ar spore, dust mites, mold, dictyopterous insect waste, animal dander, fumes and odors, secretion changes, and smoke. The modification in temperature isn't what causes illness, rather changes in overall weather. There ar 3 main factors that result in rising rates of health problem throughout these weather changes– as well as being exposed to the cold air, drier a...