
Showing posts from September, 2022

What tests are done in immunology?

  There are immunological tests for many different medical conditions and purposes – for instance, to test for, to screen for bowel cancer or to find out if a woman is pregnant. They can be used to carry out routine tests in hospitals and laboratories, to do quick tests yourself at home, as well as in family doctors’ and specialists’ practices As mentioned above, immunological tests contain specific antibodies that bind to the substance or germ that is being looked for. In some tests this reaction is visible to the naked eye. For example, in tests to determine your blood group, the bloodcoagulates (clumps together) on the test card. In laboratory tests, sensitive devices measure the amount of bound antibodies based on the extent of a light or color reaction. In rapid tests, the antibodies are usually found on paper strips (test strips), but sometimes glass is used too. Rapid tests are easy to use and provide instant results. But they are not as sensitive as laboratory tests...

Can food allergies cause post nasal drip?

  Are you struggling to find a post nasal drip cure or have you tried many different post nasal drip “remedies” that never seemed to work? Accurately diagnosing and treating post nasal drip is a challenge for many doctors and patients. A good analogy is like trying to put a together jig saw puzzle. Your doctor has to know all of the pieces and how they fit together. This educational section will help empower you to find the right treatment for your post nasal drip. Post Nasal Drip can be described (in part) as the feeling that something is draining in the back of the throat. Mucus glands in the nose and throat continuously produce mucus throughout the day and night. Normally, people are not aware of the act of swallowing the mucus/phlegm. However, certain conditions can cause patients to become aware of this sensation. The feeling of PND may be do to actual mucus or phlegm in the throat or only the perception of it. One of the most common but rarely diagnosed causes of post-n...

What is Neuro Infection?

  Neuroinfection or neurological infection occurs when a virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus, or prion attack the brain and/or spinal cord, the effects of which can range from mild illness to serious impairment and even death. Infection of the nervous system can involve the brain “encephalitis”, the meninges covering the brain “meningitis”, or both. Another type of neuroinfection is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and has a devastating effect on the body’s immune system as well as the brain. Different pathogens may invade the body and infect various organs, including the central nervous system (CNS). Neuroinfections occur when these pathogens enter the CNS. Bacterial neuroinfections are commonly secondary to naso-pharyngeal or inner-ear infections. Symptoms of neuroinfection may be similar to flulike illness, which can lead to misdiagnosis. Diagnostic procedures include obtaining patient’s history, neurological examination,...

Can eye allergies be contagious?

  Conjunctivitis is one of the most common and treatable eye conditions in children and adults. Often called "pink eye," it is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid and the white of the eyeball, and helps keep the eyelid and eyeball moist. It is important to find out whether your pink eye is caused by allergies or infection, because each condition has different treatments. This article focuses on allergic conjunctivitis. Symptoms of allergic pink eye include: ·          Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid ·          Increased amount of tears ·          Itchy eyes and nose ·          Blurred vision ·          Sneezing ·          Swelling of the eyelid ...